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This is your Product Description. Write a short overview of the product including important features, pricing and any other relevant information for a potential buyer. Make sure your text is clear and easy to read. Tip from the pros: add an image or video of the product to give your clients a way of visualizing what you are selling.


Small dimensions thermal cut-outs 
used especially for thermal 
protection of electric motors and 
transformers,  mounted directly into 
windings. They could also be used 
for protection of heaters and 
controllers. They often protect 
devices by control the change-over 
systems. The minimum current of 
protected circuit is 100 mA, the 
maximum current according to 

Small Thermal.png
Medium Thermal.png


Medium and big dimensions thermal 
cut-outs used for thermal protection of 
high power devices especially for 
household appliances and the other 
devices which need the thermal 
protection. The minimum current of 
protected circuit is 100 mA, the 
maximum current according to 


The biggest thermal cut-outs used 
for thermal protection of high power 
devices often with a few lines 
allowed to protect triple pole 
devices without using contactors. 
The maximum current according to 

Large Thermal.png
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